Services & Benefits

As a Family Care member, you and your care team work together to develop a cost-effective care plan that includes paid services through our extensive provider network, as well as natural supports (like family members, friends and neighbors). The supports and services you receive must be approved in your care plan.
Services may include:
Adult Day Services
- Adult day centers are ideal for people who are not homebound, but still need guidance and oversight. Members may go to an adult day center daily or a few times a week to participate in programs designed to encourage socializing and interaction with others.
Counseling Services and Education
- Counseling
- Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (except those provided by a physician or on an inpatient basis)
- Counseling and Therapeutic Resources
- Mental Health Services (except those provided by a physician or on an inpatient basis)
- Housing Counseling
- Vocational Futures Planning
- Education and Training
- Communication Aids and Interpreter Services
- Consumer Education and Training
- Daily Living Skills Training
Employment and Community Services
- Prevocational Services
- Supported Employment
Medical Supplies and Equipment (This refers to Medical supplies and equipment that is approved in your care plan.)
- Adaptive Aids (general and vehicle)
- Durable Medical Equipment (except for hearing aids and prosthetics)
- Specialized Medical Supplies
- Home Modifications
Rehabilitation Services
- Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy in all settings (except for inpatient hospital)
Residential Services
- Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC)
- Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF)
- Adult Family Home (AFH)
Support and Care Services
- Homemaker Services
- Personal Care
- Personal Emergency Response System Services
- Supportive Home Care
- Respite Care for Family or Unpaid Caregivers
- Financial Management Assistance
- Home Meal Delivery
- Self-Directed Supports - You may also choose to hire your own help through our self-directed supports program.
- Home Health
- Nursing facility including nursing homes and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ICF/IID) and Institutes for Mental Disease (IMD). Inpatient services are not covered for IMD residents between the ages of 21 and 64, with limited exceptions.
- Nursing Services (except for inpatient hospital stays)
- Transportation to medical appointment if family and friends are not able to transport you.
- Transportation to the community services and activities in your care plan if family and friends are not able to transport you.